Please don't fall for the scam OnAssignment Talent Management Consulting. This scammer has created so many web sites that all look the same. he uses different HR director names but everything else is the same on his 53 web sites. He typically lets them expire after a year, but this one, he renewed.
He is using the name Mark Bitterman with an email address of Mark Bittermann
The scammer is using a spear phishing tactic to promise you a job with one of their clients. The scammer wants to get your date of birth and social security number. He got your occupation and region from LinkedIn or Indeed.
This scammer has created more than 48 (I have lost count of the actual number) fake staffing company web sites. Some of the sites that he has created have expired.
Report it to the FBI & FTC at the following web site:
You can read about other victims’ experiences on these blog threads. Add your own experience.
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